The right message, to the right audience, at the right time, for the right action.
We call this the Customer Narrative Pathway (CNP).
Digital Advertisements. Online Sales. Lead Generation. Prospective Customer Nurturing. At UpDoc, we see all all these pieces as parts to a whole. It's not hard to boost a social media post or launch a Google Ad.
The hard part is making it all seamlessly connect as a part of a conversion journey for the prospective customer.
The Problem
In the ever growing landscape of digital advertising, Search, Social, and Listing platforms are becoming evermore a "pay to play" environment. This can become challenging for both large and small organizations alike.
Smaller businesses lack the volume and budgeting that enterprise entities have. The feeling of getting out muscled, out bid, and otherwise, out placed becomes a difficult and discouraging sensation to overcome.
On the other hand, larger companies have the burden of size. Momentum shifts can be frustrating to create. Coordinating local, regional, and niche messaging across the entire organization can be just as taxing as providing each regional management team with favorable advertising results — all the while ensuring that local marketing efforts are congruent with the corporate brand standards.
The Challenge
Search Engine Marketing, Online Advertising, Social Media Advertising, and the gambit of digital pay to play advertising platforms have become severely intertwined while insisting on their own channel specific idiosyncrasies, requirements, and limitations.
Where we saw most companies throw their advertising dollars to the wind was the failure to unify brand messaging. The most common set of mistakes were found with paid placements, websites, and social platforms all saying different things, using different wording, and selling different products.
While many brands were able to demonstrate healthy budgeting and efficiency in metrics such as the ever popular Cost Per Click — the end results were still poor at the point of sale, or, lower in quality in terms of customer lifetime value.
We Made
Our solution to this challenge was the creation of an intensive, systematic approach in connecting a brand's story to a customer's conversion journey.
Many marketing agencies put too much emphasis on the short game by pressuring paid audiences to buy now.
However, the pathway of conversion should also include cognitive action steps such as remember me for later, learn more, and build trust through relatable content.
Just as it is wise in financial investments to have a diversified portfolio, a company's advertising portfolio must also be strategically diverse across the many touch points a prospective consumer will experience along their pathway of becoming a purchasing customer.
Case examples of business gains for UpDoc Marketing customers include...
New Customer Inquiries
Across a niche brand, operating in three states.
Career Candidates
Organic, non-recruitment applicants across 10 locations in less than 3 months.
Lead Generation
Within a quarter from launch.